Wednesday, April 27, 2011


-waiting to get a call back from a job....want them to just call already.
-Friday lunch @ capital grille W. (umm need a name, for now just "J")..almost worried for..him? i don't have to time or tolerance for bullshit.
so, were see. he more or less fell on my plate from

-I still have my normal boyfriend, but things are "eh" at the moment. i don't know what im going to do, but im keeping him for now.

Thats about it.


Friday, November 26, 2010

whats been up.

No more R, idk if I mentioned.
He was rediculas in retrospective but, there was some stuff I appreciated.
I fell in real love real easy with a guy who was really wounderful, beautiful, and sweet.
It was all very perfect, he was teaching me French even.
He's going to start college in Canada in January, so today were over...
Im keeping a positive view on it all but, it still does hurt a lot.
I plan on moving to Nyc no later than June 15 th 2011.
I'll be done by abt April/may with school for now. Have it all planned out, very very much. All by myself. I'll have my own place.
Nyc, is closer to Canada..but who knows. I hope, but am realistic.

Im tempted to pursue some sugar, but eh. Idk.
Suppose ill browse.


Monday, February 1, 2010


Well, my profiles weren't getting very decent replies, so iv suspended them. I plan to re-launch em all new but, it's like why when I'm so cute am I enable to snag something decent and worthwhile, I honestly don't know why.

Anyway Im with R again, he gives money on a regular basis. Things are hot and cold with him, one day I'm smitten, the next moment some little thing was said or done and I then don't know why I'm wasting me time.

That's about it.


Friday, October 9, 2009

Sunday, October 4, 2009


its very empty...but ill work on that...........later.

Friday, October 2, 2009

R's been taking up more of my time. I think he likes muffins company.

Briefly spoke to He's not around often but he's been my goal. He's very sexual he's looking for someone to fulfil him sexually. He's fairly young. Blablabla. Were see

talking to mr....pen, yea I think I named him pen. I'm into him for looks an he understands the sugar deal... Clearly which is so good when they understand it.

Emailing 2 new ones but pretty priliminary stuff

Wednesday, September 23, 2009